Sunday, 29 January 2017

An anxious process

So here I am on day 11. Feeling pretty damn hungry on this horrid diet, but managing to stick with it!

Since I last posted I received my nystatin in the mail. I made a change to my regime and dropped to 1x itraconazole tablet per day alongside 3 doses of nystatin.

Since the little crop of blisters appeared around day 5, I have had more appear. To be honest, they don't look great. But they certainly are behaving a little differently to normal in the following ways:

1. They don't particularly itch....I have had bouts of itchiness for a few minutes, but that seems to dissipate quite fast
2.  They don't seem to come up to the surface like normal - usually once blisters appear I can pop them and they produce that horrid clear fluid, but I can't do that because it's almost like they are staying below the surface
3. I haven't ended up with the open cracks and sores that usually follow the blisters - they either seem to retreat back down, or sort of dry out leaving very dry, flaky skin.

Here is a comparison between before I started, and today, day 11. I guess the clearest thing is just how much less inflamed things are. But even so - seeing those blisters lurking there is freaking. me. the. hell. out.

But I am trying to stay calm and not panic. I keep telling myself that even if I am on the right track here, this isn't going to disappear overnight - I have suffered for 19 months, it is bound to take time to improve, right?!


You'll have to click onto the day 11 picture to enlarge it, to see the blisters in all their glory - but I guess overall, its pretty clear there is an overall improvement happening.

On the plus side, the sides of my fingers are less red and inflamed than before:

So for now, I'll keep going, and keep hoping that this gradual improvement keeps on happening. Fingers crossed.

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

An update....

I haven't written in a while, things have been busy, but I wanted to update as even if nobody is reading this, its good to keep tabs on my progress.

So after my last post, I went ahead with the fexofenadine - and much to my surprise, it helped with the itching considerably. At that point I decided I had to re-read the advice on and give it a proper go.

First thing I did was contact my Aunt in Mexico - she was amazing, and managed to get me Nystatin over the counter as it isn't even available in the UK on prescription. She posted it to me and I should receive it any day now.

I then had my appointment with the private dermatologist. She told me the following:

  • The pattern of dyshidrosis I have, described as an 'apron' with a patch on the palm and strings up the fingers, is almost never caused by a contact allergy.
  • She doesn't believe that eczema of this type is linked to food allergies or intolerances (she believes there is a link between childhood eczema and food however)
  • I will probably be dealing with this for the rest of my life. How uplifting.

She offered me methotrexate and toctino...I turned them both down, though it is good to know toctino is an option in the future. She told me to use Dermovate again...two weeks of steroid application morning and night, and then every weekend to keep it at bay. I did tell her that Dermovate doesn't seem to help it, but she pretty much said that was what I needed to do to get clear.

I did however, ask her about the id reaction - is it possible, I asked, that this is a secondary reaction to a fungal infection elsewhere on the body?

"Highly unlikely and very rare" was her response.

I told her that I thought I might have a candida overgrowth following multiple antibiotics, which she pretty much rolled her eyes at. I also told her I had a small patch of scaly skin on my foot and wasn't sure whether it was fungal or eczema. She said it also wasn't clear from looking, but when I asked her if she would prescribe an oral anti fungal for me to try, she surprisingly agreed.  So, off I went with a 28 day course of Itraconazole.

She told me to take 1 a day....but I did my research and decided to take 2....its safe, I looked at reputable guidelines, and hey - I like to live dangerously. I also started a very strict low carb low sugar diet at the same time.

Amazingly my hands improved was quite a drastic improvement and I had to contain my excitement. Four days in things were even hands were looking almost clear. Then day 5 hit...and so did new blisters. I panicked, but tried to stay calm. Today is day 7.....I do have new blisters, but nothing like as many as before and they are less itchy, and seem to shrink down quite quickly. I guess I don't know what to expect with this - immediate improvement? Gradual improvement? Continued breakouts which are smaller and less severe? Its all completely experimental. But I have to focus on the positives, that things are looking up, at least for now.

Here is a progress picture - before I started, and today, day 7,

Monday, 2 January 2017


That is the best way of describing my state of mind right now. I literally cannot focus on one possibility at once - my husband jokes that I have a new theory every day...he might be right.

A couple of weeks ago I had a brainwave - maybe I was allergic to my phone. The pattern of eczema exactly fits how I hold the phone! It is in a rubber/silicone cover so maybe I was allergic to that. I tested the phone itself for nickel and it came up positive. I really thought I had found the culprit once and for all. I didn't touch my phone for 2 weeks, which was a very tricky feat, but sadly there was no improvement in that time. I got myself a nice wooden cover though, just to be safe. At least my phone looks pretty.

In the meantime I have been continuing with the diet - gluten free, dairy free, egg free and very low sugar. I am eating fruit, but no processed sugar at all. I have good days and bad days - sometimes I think things look better, but two days later things are worse again. I will keep it up for longer though as I need to give it more time.

One thing I did notice though, is that it seems to get worse at certain points in my cycle. This got me thinking about hormones again, and the fact that this all kicked off properly after I had my son. I ended up back on google and eventually hit upon an article about how changes in hormones can be linked to an increase in candida. Hmmm.....back to the very beginning and the candida theory proposed by the website I had found very early on. I had sort of dismissed it as it wasn't well written or referenced. But now I think I need to give the advice there a go.

So - the plan is to do 5 days of fexofenadine anti histamine as advised - supposedly if my symptoms improve, then it suggests that I do have an allergy to a dermatophyte, probably candida of some sort. In which case the treatment is the low carb low sugar diet (already doing that pretty much) plus nystatin....which is impossible to obtain.

Well, first things first. I will do the fexofenadine and see what happens.