Monday, 6 February 2017

I wish I had something positive to share....

but I don't. I am now on my 6th day of this current flare up and I have woken up with new blisters every day. This is easily the worst flare up I have had now in terms of coverage (it is now very much on my right hand which had cleared up, more extensively than before) and in terms of how long it is lasting - each night I think that its over, its calming and I will now begin the healing process - the horrible peeling and splitting. But no - in the morning, new blisters are there again. It is relentless, and I am exhausted - not least because this diet is basically sapping all my energy.

I am 12 days into my nystatin course, which lasts 28 days, so not even half way through. There is a small chance this is die off....but it all just seems so far fetched to me. I just can't believe that this hideous state of affairs is a positive sign.

I'm determined to finish the course but I really am struggling now - I'm constantly itching or in pain, 24/7. This is no way to live.

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