Monday, 28 August 2017

Through the storm.

I haven't posted in ages, and there is a reason for that. I have been out there enjoying my life. Not stuck at home, endlessly scouring the internet for answers.

The low nickel diet turned out to be a red herring - I have re-introduced high nickel foods without any impact on my skin at all.

So all of my improvement is down to Dr Aron. How I wish I wasn't so sceptical to begin with - his treatment has cost me under £200 total. I probably spent in excess of £2k before this desperately searching for answers.

As it stands currently, I am pretty much in remission. I haven't put cream on my hands for well over a month. I occasionally see the odd blister on my fingers - if I dab on a tiny bit of cream, it usually disappears by the next day. There is no itch, no redness...nothing.

In total, I have used less than half of a small pot of the compound he prescribed me - I easily used more steroid than this when it was prescribed in the traditional way. This has truly been the answer for me. I highly recommend anyone suffering this awful condition to look up Dr Aron's treatment and give it a go. The relief is incredible!


  1. Thank you for documenting your journey. How are you doing one year on? I have been experiencing a nearly identical story as you and now waiting to hear back form Dr Aron and hopefully begin treatment. I really hope he can provide a long term solution

    1. HI Vanessa. I am pretty much clear. I get the occasional crop of blisters but a touch of the compound gets rid of them. I have barely thought about my hands in over a year. I also had another baby 3 months ago and even the huge hormonal shift didnt affect me. Dr Aron is a miracle worker as far as I"m concerned.
