Thursday, 9 March 2017

Dr Aron treatment - day 9

So, the whole process of signing up with Dr Aron was really easy. I filled out the form online, sent my photos and made the payment, and then I waited.

Within 5 days, an email popped into my inbox from Dr Aron. He had sent through a prescription tailored to me, based on what I had written and my photos. He also gave me very explicit instructions on what to apply, and when.

My prescription did not contain an emollient - I wrote back to query this and he replied within minutes (great communication!). He explained that he was not including the emollient for me due to how tough hand eczema can be to clear.

I decided to trust him, and do exactly what he said.

My prescription was for one cream to be applied 4x daily, and a compound to be applied twice daily. I already had the cream in my eczema arsenal (ha ha ha) so all I needed was the compound. Dr Aron said the private pharmacy, Landy's in London could make it up for me. But before I went that route I decided to try my luck with my GP. I saw him and explained what I was doing and to my surprise he prescribed the components for me. I then mixed them at home myself. What a result.

The treatment bought me relief within 2 days. My skin was nearly clear after 5 days. The past two days I have noticed those telltale brown spots on my palm - the nasty little pompholyx blisters fighting back, trying to win as they always do. But so far....I am winning. The blisters seem controlled by the treatment - some have shrunk back down. Some are still there lurking, but not causing me any itching or pain. They make me so nervous though! Ugh!

Here is my left hand the morning I started treatment:

And it here it is on day 7

You can't really see the blisters as they are tiny, but they are there. Still - a huge huge improvement.

One thing I have really noticed is my mood. I am literally ecstatic about not itching all the time. And I am pain free. One of the things that comes up time and time again is the role of stress in pompholyx eczema - it can supposedly exacerbate things quite significantly. I have been incredibly stressed about this, because nothing I do seems to help. It has occurred to me therefore, that if this treatment causes my stress level to go down, then maybe that will also help to improve my condition.

Anyway. It is very very early days for me and I am yet to begin the tapering down process, which is really scary as I dread the return of the blisters, and yet I don't want to be using high dose steroids and antibiotics long term. But I will follow his instructions to the letter, and see where it leads me.

My non-itchy fingers are very much crossed!

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