Sunday, 9 April 2017

6 weeks on Dr Aron

So I am coming up to 6 weeks on the AR now.

On the whole things really have been much better. I have had 3 flare ups so far and am coming to the end of the third. The flare ups were in the same place as usual, but definitely controlled by the creams - the blisters never really erupted on the surface of the skin, and things never progressed to the horrible cracking/splitting phase, they tended to stick around for a week and then shrink back. The itch has been minimal - very slight itching which is immediately controlled by applying the cream.

I am currently on 4 apps a day - 3 apps of the fucibet and then 1 app of the ointment. I do have concerns about the amount of time I am applying strong creams for, and will speak with him about this when I next check in with him. But there are no signs of damage to my skin at the moment.

I also had my patch tests done this week - no new allergies were identified, but bizarrely I had a very severe reaction to nickel, even though the dermatologist wiped the nickel off the pre-prepared disc, because we agreed there was no point testing something we already knew I was allergic too. Clearly there must have been a tiny trace of nickel left, and that was enough to cause a reaction. I try to limit my contact with nickel already, but because of this result I am thinking I need to try the low nickel diet again, and this time do it strictly.

So that is the plan - carry on with the AR and move to a low nickel diet.


  1. I stumbled upon your blog because I was diagnosed with DE, and after visiting every doctor I could find, nothing prescribed had any significant benefit (so I turned to the internet to see what other sufferers found had worked).

    It's certainly a frustrating journey (filled with sleepless suffering)... but I am curious about your experience following the protocol found on

    While the Nystatin did seem to help a little, it wasn't until I was 2 months into the vitamin A protocol that I became symptom free.

    Did you try the Vitamin A protocol?

    Hoping my relief sustains, and hoping you find the same.

    1. Sorry thought I had replied to this but can't see my own response! I had no improvement from nystatin - I didn't try vitamin A as it is it can carry risks to unborn foetuses and I didn't want to risk it as we may try for another baby.

  2. I have also dyshidioc eczema in my palm and feet kindly help me out of this
